Audioprov is improvisational comedy and storytelling through a purely audio medium. Improv in audio can create a beautiful immersive experience in your mind, reduce performance anxiety, and also allows for more diversity of participants for whom broadband, zoom technology, or screen usage is inaccessible. No video required! Call in with Zoom using your computer or a phone. See the FAQ section at the bottom of the page for more info.

We have partnered with Camila Frausto of Introverted Improvisers to bring a series of exciting new courses to Unscripted’s class offerings this year. Click on the images below for more info about each class!

Meet Camila

Camila has been improvising for nearly a decade, and has been an actor and musician/singer longer than that. Her musical abilities have translated to the Audioprov world where she works to make audio-based improv a rich and immersive sensory experience through lyrical language, tempo/timing, and specificity. She created the online & audio-based community Introverted Improvisers initially as outreach toward those who might feel socially overwhelmed by an improv atmosphere, but then realized that she could also fill a large creative gap for those whom improv is inaccessible via camera, screen, or stage for other reasons.

She has studied with iO Chicago, RISE Comedy Denver (formerly Voodoo), Third Coast Comedy (Nashville), The Nursery (UK), Pan Theater (Oakland, CA). Her two podcasts, Introverted Improvisers and Roundabout Shakespeare, highlight community work done during the pandemic and they continue on!


Q: what platform is class held on?

A: Our audioprov classes take place over Zoom. Participants may connect using a computer, or call in using a phone.

Q: is there any video component to the class?

A: All exercises, scenes, and set work are in audio only. Direction and discussion times will allow for the opportunity to turn on one’s camera if available. The reason for this is to include those that process direction and discussion visually, as well as gives a break from an overwhelming audio experience. Not all adjust well to large blocks of time in audio, or processing instruction through audio. You are not expected/required to enter or be on camera at any point!

Q: I struggle with visualization; is this class for me?

A: Visualizing can be a very difficult muscle to flex for some, and others cannot visualize (aphantasia). We are aware of and acknowledge these differences, and welcome all! Don’t be discouraged if some of the detail or sensory work seems difficult, and chances are you will excel at other exercises in wonderful ways. There are very strong self-described “non-visualizers” doing excellent audio improv.

Q: Do I need previous improv experience to take these courses?

A: The Poetic Language & Surreal Storytelling course and the Intro to Scenework course are open to all levels of experience, including newcomers to the improv world! The Scenework for Audio II course requires introductory improv experience, which can be acquired through the Intro to Scenework audioprov class!

Q: I’ve been practicing improv for years; what can i gain through audioprov?

A: Audioprov can turn a good improviser into an excellent one. It improves self-awareness, group mind, and active listening while strengthening character and voice work, scene painting techniques, and specificity. Audioprov also aids mastery of language and timing. All of these skills translate easily and exceptionally well to the stage. Furthermore, audioprov offers an opportunity to go places the stage can’t [or doesn’t often] take you in terms of physical range, intimacy, and action/drama.