The “Unscripted” style of improv

The core values which guide our performance, practice, and pedagogy.








The state of being fully engaged and attentive to the moment, both mentally and physically. It involves active listening, openness to spontaneity, and a keen awareness of one’s surroundings and fellow performers. In essence, presence allows improvisers to respond authentically and intuitively to the unfolding scene, fostering a sense of connection and immediacy with the audience and fellow players. A fully present performer receives the moment as it is, without judgment of self or others and with a curiosity to discover how this moment shows us what’s next.


The act of spontaneous, creative exploration within a given context. It involves a mindset of openness, curiosity, and willingness to take risks. Play encourages improvisers to embrace the unknown, experiment with new ideas, and collaborate with their teammates in a spirit of fun and discovery. It allows performers to tap into their imaginations, intuition, and sense of humor, leading to organic and dynamic interactions that could have never been written or pre-planned. Ultimately, play in improv encourages improvisers to let go of inhibitions and constraints, enabling them to fully immerse themselves in the joyous act of co-creation with their fellow players


The journey of exploration, collaboration and discovery that unfolds during any improvised creation. Unlike many art forms where the focus is on the final product, in improv, the process itself is the primary focus and outcome. It embraces the unpredictable nature of improvisation, trusting the moment-to-moment interactions and remaining open to possibilities as they emerge. By embracing process as the product, improvisers can cultivate a deeper sense of connection and spontaneity while embracing risk and failure as vital aspects of the creative journey.

The philosophy of prioritizing well-being, integrity and connection in our work, both onstage and off. It begins with self-care, embracing boundaries, stress management, and positivity. Caring for teammates means fostering inclusivity, empathy and constructive communication and feedback. Audience care involves honoring their presence, adapting to their feedback, and remaining mindful of how our choices onstage impact their experience. Ultimately, care creates a culture of empathy, accountability, and growth where all involved feel both valued and empowered to authentically create and connect.



The act of full mind and body engagement and receptivity. Deep listening requires openness, curiosity and vulnerability. It makes you hungry to understand the moment as it is: taking in verbal and non-verbal cues, tuning our antennas to both intentional and unintentional choices, and embracing all this information without anticipation or pre-conception.